[News] Update #5.03
Hello, the best players of VIKINGS MU, our team spent small rays on the server, here are the most significant:
- Added spot Elite Sceleton in Dungeon 2 immediately at the entrance, to quickly complete this quest;
- increased the number of monsters in some initial spots Noria;
- Reduced PC cost to clear up to 100kk zen;
- In DS +7 added 4 bosses of Golden Tantalus from which drop Kundun Box +5;
- Increased drop Rena, in the arena and in Lorencia (Golden Archer for oben near the statue of Quest Master);
- Increased drop of ANC on BC8 and CC7;
- Added a new GM BOX in which ANC items randomly drop out;
- Improved prizes for successful passing BC, CC (stone added to BC stone);
- A pink box of chocolates is added to the drop on DS, from which the Kundun box +1 - +5 and the new GM BOX (drop anz) are randomly dropped;
- Pink box of chocolates added to drop on Karlutan map;
- Stable minor interruptions with a timer BC and the advent of bosses;
- Increased the number of monsters on the map Barracks and Refuge Barracks;
- Increased drop percentage Crystal of Condor;
- “And probably one of the sweetest” - the increased percentage of cooking feathers for 3 Wings “Condor's Feather” and the 3 wings themselves.
If I forgot something, I’ll supplement it later. All a good swing and an early end of the work week!