[News] Update #23.05
Hello everyone, a small update on our VIKINGS MU project! :)
- Removed zeroing of all skills after Grand Reset, there will be no more problems with Master Level Skill after GR;
- Added the ability to replace one ants set with another analogue (for example: Enis to Anubis)
by adding a Jewel of Ancient stone to an Ancient thing, success rate: 30%;
- Fixed dmg for new weapons;
- Increased the number of options in exe and anc - 4 opts;
- Fixed the server time, does not change when the clock is translated;
- Slightly increased the chance of dropping exellent and ancient items with Luck;
- Increased magic defense of top bosses, and slightly reduced physical defense;
- Revised dmg for BK, slightly increased dmg in PvE and PvP;
- Also in the process of new interesting updates, will be released somewhere in June-July.
All of the above updates will be introduced today 23.05 from 19: 00-22: 00 on the server after a minute of server reboot.