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[News] New year update!

Hello experienced warriors of the north VIKINGS MU! The administration of the server congratulates you on the upcoming New Year holidays and makes small pleasant innovations!

More details:

- Drop Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, Jewel of Soul on all maps increased

- Drop Jewel of Reset by 8 BC increased

- Improved drop with Erohima in the castle

- Increased drop from Medusa to 2 items

- Increased drop from Selupana to 2 items

- Increased drop from Diablo to 3 items

- Increased drop from Farea to 2 items

- Increased the amount of Box of Kundun dropped from golds to 2 pieces

- Increased the number of HP at the gate and Statues in the castle

- A number of works were carried out to adjust the game process of the castle sieges

- The most fun: The new boss Cursed Santa and his faithful helpers Cursed Goblins have been added to the game

- Cursed Santa and his 10 helpers Cursed Goblin attack Crywolf every 4 hours

- Appear 4 hours after the murder.

- Drop with Cursed Goblin: anc, zen, 10-30 bless or soul, Jewel of Reset, Jewel of Exellent, Jewel of Luck, Jewel of Level and a part for cooking Fenrir Fragment of Horn. Also for killing 1 goblin is given 10WCoinC, 10WCoinP, 10 goblin points and 1 Credits

- Drop with Cursed Santa: anc, 20-30 bless or soul, Jewel of Reset, Jewel of Exellent, Jewel of Luck, Jewel of Level and the finished part for brewing Fenrir Broken Horn. Also for killing 1 Santa is given 50WCoinC, 50WCoinP, 50 goblin points, 5 Credits, 1 guild point and New Year's buff for 45 minutes to the character who killed the Evil Santa.

Closer to the new year, exciting bonuses and gifts await you! :)

All health, more positive and New Year's mood!

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