
X5000 x1000 x100000


[News] BIG UPDATE 06.11

Good day to all!
Here is the long-awaited update! Not everything that we wanted has been implemented, but we will leave some ideas for the future.
This update contains:
- Increased damage of Awakening weapons for all classes;
- Added the ability to equip Awakening Staff on MG;
- Slightly rewritten quest system, added a list of quests and prizes to the guide;
- Slightly weakened boss Selupan;
- Removed the ability to sell in Loren Market for Goblin Points;
- Goblin points are earned for Grand Reset, Reset, Quest System, Events and bosses;
- Chaos Card has been added to the server, can be obtained as a prize in BC, more details:;
- Descriptions for some stones and game items have been added to the game;
- Increased the duration of buffs on the character, especially relevant for bk;
- Added new character upgrade stones: Crystal of Level, Core of Exellent, Crystal of Full, more details:;
- Crystal of Level (sharpening 0-15), Orb of Exellent (No exe item => exe), Crystal of Full (Item => Full);
- Added new boxes to the server: Ruletka Gift Box, Vip Gift Box, Vikings Gift Box, Donate Gift Box and Premium GM Gift Box, more details;
- For gambling enthusiasts, an unusual box has been added - Ruletka Gift Box (Drops almost everything that is on the server, including jars and all sorts of junk);
- As for the Premium GM Gift Box, it contains only selected items from the regular GM Gift Box (minimum bad things);
- The new Vip Gift Box contains various useful game values, passes, parts for various events, parts for cooking and stones;
- In the Vikings Gift Box, there is a chance of getting various Vikings class items and new stones;
- Well, and the most pleasant box - Donate Gift Box, the chance to get this box is only as a prize for supporting the server (Drop as with Deep Dungeon Boss, Abyss Atlans Boss and Darion, more details;
- Added a new stone - Talisman of Chaos Assembly, serves as a safe point of things at +10-15, more details;
- Completely redesigned Double Goer Event (Doppleganger), mobs are strengthened, drop is improved, more details:;
- Added a new event Imperial Guardian Event, more details:;
- Several new boxes such as Ruletka Gift Box and Vip Gift Box have been added to Lorencia Drop Event;
- Almost all top bosses have added chance of getting a new Premium GM Gift Box;
- Added a guide to describe some game items:;
- Added a new boss Gigantic Shark, which drops Ruletka Gift Box, Vip Gift Box, Talisman of Chaos Assembly, more details:;
- Added a new boss Ignis Draconis, which drops Vikings Gift Box, Orb of Exellent and a unique Crystal of Full stone, more details:;
- The Arena card is now considered a VIP card, a new Vip Gift Box has been added to its drop;
- Updated X-Shop, added a new Ruletka Gift Box and items for Goblin Points.

The update will fully take effect tomorrow around lunchtime. There will be a reconnect. For full functionality, you will need to re-enter the game through the launcher (it is possible to restart the launcher several times).

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