Quest from the statue
Game quest system (Quest System)
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In Mu Online there is a system of consecutive quests, on our server you can use it to pump your character well, to earn a lot of money, credits, resources and equipment.
In order to start the quest, you need to talk to the NPC Quest System, which is located in the city of Lorencia at the coordinates of 131x120. Character level, his stats and resets are unimportant. Anyone can try their hand and complete dozens of quests.
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After you kill all the monsters needed for the quest, return to the NPC Quest System and talk to him. If all the conditions of the quest are fulfilled, he will give you the coveted reward.
Want to complete the next quest? Talk to the NPC Quest System again and boldly step into the world of the adventures of the Universe Mu.
The maximum number of quests - 277 pieces.