List of useful commands
Team Description
/partyleader Nick change party leader (Example: / partyleader Nick)
/pkclear Cleaning PC
/dcfriend account password Account discount
/mlreset Reset tree skills
Teams for communication:
Team Description
/post Send a message to the whole world.
@ Send a message to the Guild chat.
@@ To send a message to the Alliance chat.
@> The announcement from the master of the Guild.
/re on Accept requests from other players.
/re off Do not accept requests from other players.
/re auto Automatically accept requests from other players.
Teams to distribute free stats:
Team Description
/addstr To distribute stat points in Strength.
/addagi To distribute stat points in Agility.
/addvit To distribute stat points in Vitality.
/addene To distribute stat points in Energy.
/addcom To distribute stat points in Command.
Guild commands:
Team Description
/war Declare war on another Guild.
/soccer Offer another Guild to play football in the arena.
Commands for expressing emotions:
Team Description
/Hi /Hello /Welcome Bowing
/^^ /Haha Laugh
/; /Sorry Regret
/-_- /Huh /Pooh Cross your arms
/Great Raise your hands
/Bye Wave goodbye
/Cold Shivering from the cold
/Come Call